VPN Monitoring
ITSEC’s VPN Beholder is a best-in-class VPN monitoring solution built to give you 360° visibility over your VPN traffic.
ITSEC’s VPN Beholder is a best-in-class VPN monitoring solution built to give you 360° visibility over your VPN traffic. It provides for real-time anomaly detection and provide alerts upon anomalous behaviour notification, alerting your cybersecurity team to AD account access compromises, shared VPN account compromises, unauthorized device compromises as well as atypical activity and indicators of compromise.
VPN Monitoring for Specific Assets
Next Generation
A VPN monitoring tool providing complete visibility into VPN traffic, performs capture analysis on VPN logs and has the capability to query SIEM.
Anomaly Detection
Detection of AD account access compromises, VPN account compromises, unauthorized device compromises and atypical activity.
The VPN Beholder monitoring tool is a proprietary solution developed in house by ITSEC engineers in collaboration with our security teams.
Real Time Alerting
Real time live chat and email notification alerting allowing cybersecurity teams to be alerted to any potentially suspicious behaviour.
360° Visibility
Visibility over all VPN traffic and potentially suspicious behaviour so team can investigate suspected compromise incidents.
Automated Analysis
Automated analysis of suspicious VPN log behaviour, reducing the workload of cybersecurity team and enabling them to focus on other priorities.